The battle for dominance in the global semiconductor market is often framed as one between the U.S. and China, but there’s a lot more nuance to it in reality.
Supply chain businesses operate on thin margins and sustained cost pressures, bottlenecks, and transportation labor issues can significantly chip away at profits. The solution is to drive further efficiencies and squeeze more benefits from existing supply chain operations year after year.
Business leaders have been forced to reevaluate supply chains, especially those with ties to China. Now, the best solutions may be closer, geographically speaking, than one might realize.
Ashley Craig, co-chair of the International Trade Group of Venable LLP, explains the content of a new communication from three government agencies, cracking down on violators of U.S. sanctions and export controls targeting Russia and Belarus.
Blockchain has been heralded as revolutionary for many industries, but no application of the technology has undergone the hype cycle boom-and bust quite as much as the supply chain.
Jan-Willem Jannink, managing director and global sustainable value chain lead with Accenture, details the findings of a recent survey of CEOs about their sustainability efforts.
Per Hong, partner and core member of the strategic operations and transformation practice of Kearney, describes the many factors that are affecting the flow of trade with China.